Swedish massage is an entire body treatment that is suitable for everyone. This style of massage is the most widely practiced and popular technique, designed to improve blood circulation, promote relaxation, and provide relief from tense and tight muscles. During your treatment, your therapist will use their hands, forearms and elbows to apply a light-to-medium pressure, massaging your muscles with long, gliding strokes. Other techniques that may also be used are kneading, deep circular movements, bending, stretching, and oscillatory movements that shake or vibrate the body. Trigger point release may also be incorporated if a contracted muscle or knot is found.

At Academy Massage Therapy, we like to start every appointment by asking you how you’re feeling and what you’ve come in for — so we can ensure your treatment is adapted to your individual needs. If you have an area of particular concern, such as a tight neck, you can ask your therapist to spend more time in this area. We aim to provide the perfect balance of individualized treatment and overall relaxation.

  • Your choice of 30, 45, 60, 75, and 120-minute durations.

    Most Popular
    75 Minutes

  • Stress relief and relaxation for the entire body.

    Gentle to medium pressure.

  • Everyone! This is the most popular style of massage therapy.

  • Muscle tension relief. Reduced stress. Increased flexibility. Improved blood flow and circulation. Lymph drainage. Improved mood and overall happiness through endorphin release. Flush out metabolic byproducts and toxins. Increased range of motion. Support and build healthy immunity. Increased energy. Improved Sleep. Headache relief. Just to name a few!

    Many of these health benefits can be felt immediately after your massage treatment, and some may require regular treatments to really experience the benefits. At our River Heights location here in Winnipeg, we can always set up a recurring treatment for you with your preferred therapist.