Experience total mind and body relaxation with the warm hug of a Hot Stone Massage. This treatment offers the same benefits as Swedish massage, but with some amazing added benefits!

Melt away your tension and pain with the addition of hot stones. The soothing heat will penetrate through your muscles to open your blood vessels, and the improved circulation will ensure that more oxygen reaches your muscles. This will make your massage treatment more effective in reducing aches and pains.

When your muscles are warm, they respond better to Swedish massage techniques like kneading and rolling, allowing for better manipulation. The heat will help your therapist work a little deeper into your tissues without requiring the level of pressure you’d experience during a deep tissue massage.

Hot Stone Massage is the perfect treatment to beat the winter blues. To book this treatment at Academy Massage Therapy please call the front desk.

  • Your choice of 60, 75, 90 and 120-minute durations.

    Most Popular
    75 Minutes or 90 Minutes

  • Similar to Swedish massage. Stress relief and relaxation for the entire body. Gentle to medium pressure.

  • Everyone! This treatment is particularly popular in the Winnipeg winter months.